Launching Council Kit

- v.0.0.1 of Council Kit has been released – the SDK for launching DAOs on demand. It is fully documented with guides, video tutorials, and everything you’ll need to bootstrap your DAO.
- Council is part of a suite of products that the team is building to complete the full stack of DeFi. The future roadmap is ambitious and we’re rallying the community around governance innovation – the backbone and lifeline of any truly decentralized protocol.
- Council is an open ecosystem that anyone in the industry can join, contribute to, and leverage the network effects of others who are building on top of it.
The History
One year ago, the Element Protocol decentralized with the first implementation of the Council Protocol going live and the creation of Element DAO. Then, to most, Council was simply a set of new governance primitives baked into smart contracts & modules.
On February 23rd, we announced a new Governance UI built on top of a new suite of governance tools including a reference UI and SDK for developing on top of the Council Protocol smart contracts.
Today, we’re excited to officially open up Council Kit to the world. Council Kit goes beyond the smart contracts and positions Council as an all-in-one governance framework. Now with Council Kit in play, we can say that in all aspects, anyone will be able to easily use Council to create customized DAO systems that are adaptable to suit their needs while allowing for unprecedented modularity and flexibility.

Council Kit
The Council Kit comes with the following suite of tools to create and bootstrap DAOs:
🚀 Deployment Template
- Select, configure, and deploy the smart contracts in a guided walk-through with the deployment template.
🎛 Reference UI
- Make the creation of your governance portal simple with a fully customizable reference UI built with React, TypeScript, and NextJS.
- A TypeScript SDK which interfaces with the Council Protocol smart contracts and unlocks the ability to create custom scripts.
Building with Council Kit
Creating, deploying, and bootstraping a DAO is hard, so we’ve gone ahead an created an initial set of guides, video tutorials, and a loaded documentation wiki to help you get situated.
- Getting Started Resources
- Council Deployment Guide
- Reference UI Deployment Guide (Using GitHub Pages)
- How to Create Your Own Voting Vault with Council
- A Governance Proposal Framework Template
Video Tutorials
What’s Next
Our goal with Council has always been to build adaptable governance systems from the start and bring back experimentation energy to the governance space. Council is an open ecosystem that anyone in the industry can join, contribute to, and leverage the network effects of others who have built on top of it.
Moving forward, we will continue to focus on:
- Showcasing our early adopters and the teams/builders who are working on collaborating and building new modules, such as custom voting vaults for all to reference and use Council.
- Rolling out more content, such as additional video tutorials (request tutorials here!), guides, and new experiments from our team and other contributors.
- Providing further updates on our progress, including a soft Council roadmap and contributors program for other teams and governance developers to get started with.